Fellowship of the Anatomical Society

Election to Fellowship of the Anatomical Society is a public recognition of achievement in research, education and service in the anatomical sciences. It is open to Full members of the Society in good standing for at least seven years* by the application deadline date. Those elected are entitled to use the designation 'FAS' after their names.

* at least seven years...’, means this criteria (of seven years at least) needs to be fulfilled prior to the fellowship application submission deadline which is two weeks prior to Council meetings.

[NB."Fellowship of the Anatomical Society" should not be confused with "Honorary Fellowship of the Society". The latter cannot be applied for.]

This Revised Fellowship Proposal Form should be completed and e-mailed by the deadline dates below to Professor Cecilia Brassett at   deputysecretary@anatsoc.org.uk           

Fellowship deadline information can be found here


Previous Recipients (see below)

Fellowship Recipients 2023/24
Fellowship Recipients 2022/23
Fellowship Recipients 2021/22
Fellowship Recipients 2020/21
Fellowship Recipients 2019/20
Fellowship Recipients 2018/19
Fellowship Recipients 2017/18
Fellowship Recipients 2016/17
Fellowship Recipients 2015/16
Fellowship Recipients 2014/15
Fellowship Recipients 2013/14
Fellowship Recipients 2012/13
Fellowship Recipients 2011/12