To view the abstract form, please click on the link below. This is for guidance only. To submit your abstract please follow the link from the main AS meetings page and follow directions from there.
Abstract submission information
- All authors must include their full name (First name, Surname) and full address / affiliation details.
- Underline the presenting author.
- The title of the abstract must mention the species or animal group used in the study. (Educational projects that do not involve cadaveric studies do not need to mention species.)
- 350 word limit
- References should not be included and will be edited out if included
- The text of abstracts should reflect what will be presented in a clear simple summary. Include the purpose of the study, the methods used, the findings and their significance (please avoid phrases such as "the significance of the findings will be discussed").
- Don't include subheadings.
- Please include a statement about ethical approval at the end of the abstract main text. Any research using animals requires a suitable ethics statement, for guidelines- Where abstracts refer to experiments on human subjects they must include a statement that the experiments were performed with the understanding and consent of the subject. Please note that any research carried out on human cadaveric specimens requires the appropriate country-specific licence. Any educational research that included students requires appropriate institutional ethics. If no ethical approval was required please add a statement to confirm this.
- All accepted abstracts will be considered for publication in the Journal of Anatomy, unless you specifically request that they are not when submitting.
- Abstracts which do not follow the guidance within the abstract submission form will not be considered for publication.
- The peer review requirement of the Journal will be met prior to publication, and changes may be required. In all cases the decision on final acceptability for publication lies with the Editor of the Journal.
- Abstracts will undergo initial editing to conform to Journal house style before being circulate in the abstract booklet at the meeting, and authors are asked to proof read their abstracts carefully at that stage. Authors may be asked to modify the text of their abstract following discussion at the meeting.
- Abstracts will be shared online with delegates from the beginning of the conference and up to 3 months after the conference.
Poster Guidelines
Presentation tips for poster presenters:
An effective poster balances figures and texts and is not a page-by-page printout of a journal paper or a slide show.
A0. Portrait or Landscape.
Arrange materials in columns rather than rows. Put the most significant findings at eye level.
Prepare a banner for the top of the poster indication the abstract title, author (s), affiliations(s) and the presentation number. Use lettering at least 2.5cm tall
QR code
Poster presenters are encouraged to put a QR code to a short video of their poster being presented. This will not be used in the assessment of the Cave Young Investigator Prize award.
Design figures for viewing from a distance and use clear visible graphics and large type. Figures should illustrate no more than one or two major points. Colours should be used sparingly: use dark colours on white or plate backgrounds and light colours on dark backgrounds. Indicate illustration order with numbers of letters at least 2.5cm high (omit Fig, figure etc)
Place an introduction at the upper left and a conclusion in the lower right, both in large type. It is not necessary to include the abstract.
Each figure of table should have a heading of one or two lines in very large type. Provide additional essential information below in a legend set at 16 points or higher. Integrate text that would normally appear in the Results and Discussion into figure legends. Describe not only the content of the figure, but also the derived conclusions. Place brief details of methodology at the end of each legend.
Based on guidelines from The Society of Neuroscience.