Officers and Members of Council 




Professor Tracey Wilkinson, (, University of Birmingham




Abigail Tucker

President Elect 

Professor Abigail Tucker, (, King's College London


As President Elect, I shadow the current President, and help promote the activities of the Society, and support anatomical sciences in all its forms.

I am a developmental biologist based in the Centre for Craniofacial and Regenerative Biology at King’s College London. I joined the Anatomical Society as a junior Lecturer in 2003 and served on council from 2014-2022, acting as Meeting’s officer. My research and teaching focuses on the formation of the vertebrate head, and how tissues interact to create functional structures. My group research how organs form during normal development and what goes wrong in the case of congenital birth defects, providing the mechanisms behind the defects to highlight potential new treatments and preventative strategies. The other main focus of the lab is how evolution shapes our faces and how an understanding of cranial evolution can explain why structures form in particular ways. I contribute to Gray’s Anatomy and Kaufman’s mouse atlas.





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Honorary Treasurer

Professor Kieran McDermott (,  University of Limerick



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Deputy Treasurer

Dr Jeremy Mortimer (, University of Bristol



Honorary Secretary

Professor Joanna Matthan (, Newcastle University



Deputy Secretary

Professor Cecilia Brassett (, University of Cambridge



Education Officer

Dr Hannah Shaw (, University of Cardiff



Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Officer




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Meetings Officer

Dr Lyndsay Murray (, University of Edinburgh



Membership Officer

Dr Asha Venkatesh (, University of Aberdeen



Research Officer 





Website, Media and Communications Officer 

Dr Kate Dulohery (, University of Sunderland




Ordinary Members of Council



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Early Career/Postgraduate-Councillor

Ms Danya Stone (, University of Brighton and Sussex, 



Denis Barry

Ordinary Councillor

Assistant Professor Denis Barry (, Trinity College Dublin



Ordinary Councillor

Dr Caroline Curtin (, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland




Ordinary Councillor

Dr Neil Thomas (, University of Liverpool



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Ordinary Councillor

Dr Sheona Shankland (, University of Glasgow



Ordinary Councillor

Mr Luke Reid (, Brighton and Sussex Medical School



Company of Anatomists

Professor D, Ceri Davies, Company Secretary

All trustees of the Anatomical Society also serve as Directors.