Public Engagement and Outreach Grant

Deadlines for receipt of applications

Funding deadline information here


The Council of the Anatomical Society launched this initiative in June 2018 to support the public engagement and outreach activities of members of the Society in the field of Anatomy.  


Applicants must be fully paid up members  of the Anatomical society and in good standing for at least one year by the application deadline date.

Applicants annual membership subscriptions must also be up to date.

Applicants are only eligible to apply for one Public Engagement and Outreach Grant Award in any one financial year (1st October to 30th September).

Those who successfully applied the year before cannot apply again the following year (i.e., a gap of one financial year (1st October to 30th September) must elapse before the Applicant is eligible to apply again.


6 rounds per year, deadline is 2 weeks prior to Council meeting. Please note  grants cannot provide funding for: Honoraria/pay for speakers, staff, demonstrators and volunteers; Food and drinks receptions and Events related to university/institutional recruitment or marketing.


For further information contact the Executive Administrator at:

To apply



Previous Recipients of the Public Engagement and Outreach Grant 

Public Engagement and Outreach Award Recipients 2024-25
Public Engagement and Outreach Award Recipients 2023-24
Public Engagement and Outreach Award Recipients 2022-23
Public Engagement and Outreach Award Recipients 2021-22
Public Engagement and Outreach Award Recipients 2020-21
Public Engagement and Outreach Award Recipients 2019-20
Public Engagement and Outreach Award Recipients 2018-19
Public Engagement and Outreach Award Recipients 2017-18