Undergraduate Summer Vacation Research Scholarships

Awards made for 2024

Awards made for 2023

Awards made for 2022

Awards made for 2021

Awards made for 2020

Awards made for 2019

Awards made for 2018

Awards made for 2017

Awards made for 2016

Awards made for 2015

Awards made for 2014

Awards made for 2013


Undergraduate Summer Vacation Research Scholarships 2024

Applications are currently being invited early 2024 from prospective supervisors to commence a scholarship for up to a 10 week period in the summer vacation of 2024.


The Anatomical Society normally offers up to 8 bursaries a year to enthusiastic and eligible undergraduate students to undertake research in  the Anatomical Sciences (including Anatomy Education) during  a 4 to 10 week period in the summer vacation. It is hoped that this opportunity will encourage students to consider a research career in anatomical science. 

Successful applicants will receive a bursary up to a maximum of £3,200 each (comprising a stipend (£240pw) and a bench fee of £800 (£80pw)).

An enhanced stipend of £340 per week will be available to students who might otherwise suffer significant financial hardship as a result of taking up this bursary. To qualify, the student must provide a letter of support from their University identifying them as a widening participation/widening access student.

Students are required to submit a final summary report within 6 weeks of the end of the project which will be posted on the website. Students are encouraged to prepare and submit a Poster and, attend one of the Anatomical Society Meetings within 12 months of the end of the Scholarship (NB free meeting registration will be offered but not travel or accommodation costs).




  1. Applicants who are submitting applications on behalf of their students must be Members of The Society who have been elected to membership by Council for at least a year, at the deadline date for USVRS applications.
  2. Applicants must be in good standing with their membership fees.
  3. Applicants must be researchers in the field of Anatomical Sciences (including research relevant to Anatomy Education) at Universities and Research Institutions within Britain or Ireland.
  4. Applicants must be working full time in their departments and hold a contract that extends beyond the period of the scholarship. Post-doctoral researchers and new lecturers are encouraged to apply.
  5. Applicants can only submit one application in a year.
  6. No more than two awards per round will be made to an individual department or subject area within multidisciplinary departments or schools.
  7. The intention is for the student to carry out the research in the summer vacation after at least 2 years of undergraduate study in the biosciences, medicine or veterinary science or biological science related degree. Applications on behalf of science graduates (i.e. students who have already completed one undergraduate degree course in a bioscience or biological science related subject) or on behalf of first or final year undergraduates will not be considered. The student would normally be a year 2 undergraduate student (for a three-year course) or year 2 or 3 undergraduate student (for a four-year course) at the time of application. Medical, dental or veterinary students in their 2nd year will be deemed eligible, but those in their 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th or 6th years will be deemed not to be eligible.
  8. Applicants who have had a previous student are not eligible unless they have submitted the required Final Summary Report for their student.
  9. Applicants who have successfully applied for Undergraduate Summer Vacation Research Scholarship Awards the year before cannot apply again the following year (a gap of one year must elapse before the Applicant is eligible to apply again).
  10. Supervisors and Co-Supervisors of current Anatomical Society 3-year PhD Research Studentships are not allowed to apply for Undergraduate Summer Vacation Research Scholarships Awards.





  1. Will normally be undergraduates in a biomedical or biological subject, or biological science related subject, or in medicine, dentistry or veterinary sciences.
  2. Will be required to apply for Early Career Membership of the Society and to be elected to that category of membership by Council before the end of the project and pay the fee which is currently £15 per annum which is not re-imbursed before completion of their summer vacational scholarship.
    1. Will be required to submit and present a poster at an Anatomical Society meeting within 12 months of the end of the Scholarship.
    2. Will need to register for the conference and pay the registration fee and claim it back after presentation of a Poster at the meeting using an AS Expenses Claim Form as part of an application for a Barclay Smith Award (See Item (c) below).
  3. Early Career Members who are Undergraduate Student Summer Vacation Scholarship Students are eligible to apply for Barclay Smith Funding (the one-year rule does not apply) towards the cost of Registration, Travel and Accommodation up to £400. NB: The Student must have been elected to membership by Council before applying for a Barclay-Smith Award. It is the Student’s responsibility to complete all aspects of applying for membership.
  4. Will normally be studying for an undergraduate degree in an appropriate subject (see above) at a British or Irish Institute of Higher Education. The student should be able to present the outcome of his/her work in person as a Poster at an AS Scientific Meeting within 12 months of the end of the Scholarship.
  5. Will take up the award during the 2024 summer vacation.
  6. In receipt of offers of other means of support to cover the costs of a stipend and bench fee will not normally be considered.




To apply

USVRS-ApplicationForm2024 -v2FINAL – 160124

Or by e-mailing headoffice@anatsoc.org.uk


Emails and enquiries should be directed to Ms Mary-Anne Piggott (headoffice@anatsoc.org.uk)

Closing Date 

Midnight Friday 22nd March 2024.