Anatomy Research Development Award

Anatomy Research Development Award  THIS ROUND HAS NOW CLOSED

The Anatomical Society Council is pleased to announce the 2024/25, 'Anatomy Research Development Award' aimed at researchers in the early stages of their academic careers.

Applications are currently being invited from eligible researchers to commence in 2025. The closing date for applications is midnight 31st December 2024.



For 2024/25, two awards of up to £10,000 each can be provided. Projects are expected to last approximately one year.

The nature of the project proposal is to be determined by the applicant, except that it must lead to a defined research output  and must develop additional skills, knowledge, or direction to enhance their future research activities.

We envisage it might involve funding for a discrete, small or pilot research project and could provide the cost of lab consumables, purchase a specific piece of equipment unavailable to the researcher, access to equipment or services (microscopy, sequencing, proteomics, etc.). This grant should not be used to pay the applicant’s salary and generally not to extend contracts for other staff and students, except under exceptional circumstances that can be fully justified. The grant should not be used to travel to or attend conferences.

The applicant might also propose travelling to another laboratory, providing this is, for example, to establish a new collaboration or to learn a new technique, but should not be used simply to extend existing collaborations.

All applications must be fully costed and all costs justified.

Projects are expected to last approximately one year, starting within 6 months of the award, and ending no later than 2 years after the award. Award holders will be required to submit a progress report to the Anatomical Society within six months of starting, or halfway through the project, whichever comes sooner. They will also be required to submit a final outcome report, which will be posted to the website, within six months of the project finishing. Award holders will be required  to submit  a project resume at the start of the project and a final project summary report at the end of the project, both for publicity vias the Society's communications channels. Award holders will also be expected to engage with at least one promotional activity such as a podcast or webinar and to submit an abstract for poster or oral presentation at a meeting of the Society. (NB: free meeting registration will be offered, but not travel or accommodation costs).


All applicants must be members of the Anatomical Society who have been elected to membership by Council for at least one year at the Anatomy Research Development Award (ARDA) application deadline date.

In addition, successful applicants must remain in good standing with their membership fees throughout the tenure of the award.

Please note that if a potential applicant holds an Anatomical Society studentship at the application deadline date or an Undergraduate Student Vacation Research Scholarship Award, they cannot apply.

It is important that all applicants can confirm that their current posts are secure for the proposed term of the award. It is appreciated that new lecturers may be serving a probationary period. Such lecturers should provide a letter of support from their Head of Department clarifying their status.

 To qualify, the applicant would normally be expected to:

                (a) hold a lectureship or independent research fellowship;

                (b) be within 12 years of being awarded a PhD, exclusive of career breaks by the application deadline date 

                (c) have guaranteed employment for the duration of the project;  

                (d) not currently hold an AS PhD studentship or an Undergraduate Summer Vacation Research Scholarship Award.


    Those who successfully applied the year before cannot apply again the following year (i.e. a gap of one financial year(1st Oct to 30 September) must elapse before the applicant is eligible to apply again.


To apply

AARDA Information and Conditions 20242 v3 261224

ARDA Application Form 202425 v2 070624

Or by e-mailing



Emails and enquiries should be directed to the Honorary Secretary and Honorary Research Officer  (c/o Ms Mary-Anne Piggott (


Closing Date 

Midnight 31st December 2024.




ARDA Recipient 2024-25
ARDA Recipients 2023-24