The Symington Bequest

Deadlines for receipt of applications

Funding deadline information here. Applications are to be received 2 weeks prior to the Council meeting.

The Anatomical society Prizes and wards Committee and Council will not make an award if the dates of the conference/course/lab visit/equipment usage are retrospective from the date that the Committee and Council meet, normally 2 weeks after the closing deadline (dates published on the Society's website above).

NOTE: Please send in the acceptance of your abstract from the conference organisers if you already have it or, later, once you receive it. Do not wait for abstract approval/acceptance before applying for the award as all that is needed at the application stage is proof that the abstract has been submitted. Any award made/monies paid will, however, be conditional to abstract acceptance.


The Trustees of the Symington Bequest Fund can make grants to Society Members towards costs associated with anatomical research. These may be for specific purposes - for example the setting up of the Human Embryo Database developed out of initial grants from the Symington Fund - or more commonly for a contribution to the costs associated with presenting and participating in scientific meetings. 


Applicants must be members who have been elected to membership by Council for at least a year by the application deadline date. Applicants annual membership subscriptions must also be up to date.

Applicants are only eligible to apply for one Symington Award in any one financial year (1st October to 30th September).

Those who successfully applied the year before cannot apply again the following year (i.e. a gap of one financial year (1st October to 30th September) must elapse before the Applicant is eligible to apply again.


6 rounds per year, deadline is 2 weeks prior to Council meeting.


For further information contact the Executive Administrator at:

To apply


The Symington Bequest Award Recipients 2024/25
The Symington Bequest Award Recipients 2023/24
The Symington Bequest Award Recipients 2022/23
The Symington Bequest Award Recipients 2021/22
The Symington Bequest Award Recipients 2020/21
The Symington Bequest Awards Recipients 2019-20
The Symington Bequest Award Recipients 2018-19
The Symington Bequest Award Recipients 2017-18
The Symington Bequest Award Recipients 2016/17
The Symington Bequest Award Recipients 2015/16
The Symington Bequest Award Recipients 2014/15
The Symington Bequest Award Recipients 2013/14
The Symington Bequest Award Recipients 2012/13
The Symington Bequest Award Recipients 2011/12
The Symington Bequest Award Recipients 2010/11
The Symington Bequest Award Recipients 2009/10