Anatomy Training Programme
Bursary Application Form for the Anatomical Society Anatomy Training Programme by distance learning
The Anatomical Society is pleased to make financial bursaries available to Society members who have been accepted on to the Society’s Training Programme. The bursary is available for each year of the programme and application for it must be made each year. The bursary of £400 per module (up to £800 per year) is designed to be used for the module fee of £300 and to provide some funds for applicants to use in attending the residential course or other related expenses. Please note that the successful bursary applicant will be required to pay the module fee(s) (£300 per module) as a refundable deposit. This deposit, along with the balance of the bursary (£100 per module) will be returned after completion of the summer residential school.
All bursary applicants must be members of the Anatomical society who have been elected to membership by Council for at least one year by the application deadline date.
In addition, successful applicants must remain in good standing with their membership fees throughout the tenure of the award.
Must have successfully registered for the Training Programme.
Must have paid the ATP Registration Fee.
On application and successful completion.
To apply
Please complete the bursary form (ATPbursaryform2024).