External Examiner Workshop - Friday 22nd June 2018
Time 11am-4pm
Venue: Alcuin college, University of York
Hosted at the Hull York Medical School (York Campus)- this one day event has been designed to introduce the role and duties of the external examiner. The workshops will prepare academics for the role, demonstrate the basics of writing and critiquing assessment items, standard setting and blue printing.
There will be discussion on common types of assessment used in anatomy, medicine and life sciences. Finally, there will be a session on how to report and what to do at exam boards. This workshop will be facilitated by experienced undergraduate and postgraduate examiners. It is suitable for those with no previous experience and will also provide development opportunities for those who have previously fulfilled the role.
Attendees do not need to be members of the Anatomical Society.
This event is free but catering will not be provided. Catering facilities are available on campus.
To book please email: